
BlueprintOur success comes from operating in ways that form and maintain long-term client relationships. To maximize both quality and value for our clients, MSB uses a Team-Build process, integrating all design and construction elements.

MSB has the resources to assist owners in transforming their ideas into reality. Our site evaluations and complete cost estimates offer optimum site coverage and realistic square footage costs. We analyze each construction system, providing cost comparisons for each construction phase from earthwork to final finishes. The work of brainstorming and careful planning prior to breaking ground results in benefits such as enhancing a building’s efficiency, functionality, and durability while allowing owners to make informed decisions during the design process. In addition, we provide constant feedback to the project and design teams for value management, cost issues, and scheduling options. At all times, we keep a focus on maximizing value without compromising design intent and functionality, while producing what will be a source of ownership pride.

Construction Phase

Services2Communication is essential throughout the construction phase of the project. Weekly review meetings serve the team by keeping all members informed of job schedules, upcoming decisions, and possible challenges. these timely discussions provide the option of making mid-course adjustments to meet all project goals.

We stay proactive in our approach and anticipate deliveries of lead item materials to eliminate delays on the job site. Our subcontractors and suppliers are well versed in MSB’s procedures for keeping the job on schedule and within budget. By selectively self-performing key actions and critical construction activities, MSB controls project costs, delivery and scheduling, as well as the overall quality of a project.


Closeout and Post-Construction


Upon substantial completion of the project, MSB requests a punch-list walk through from the owner or owner’s representative. Once the building is completed to the satisfaction of the owner, MSB will provide “as-built” drawings and plans to show the facility and any changes that site conditions may have caused. We provide a complete set of operations & maintenance manuals of the building’s equipment and systems as well as training for their operation.




Warranty Letter-page-001MSB provides a one-year warranty on all work including that of our subcontractors. If there is a warranty issue to be dealt with, we are there to take care of it with as little interference as possible. Our priority of maintaining long-term client relationships makes our reputation in post construction services one of the best.

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